Dark spots on Santa’s glittering reputation
How about cancelling Santa?
Santa’s reputation, while highly positive, is not without problems.
He formed his image long ago. But he needs to consider modern realities.
I think Santa will have problems passing as an #ESG, #GDPR or The RepTrak Company reputation audit!
And with such nuances, it is two steps to cancellation!
What do you think?
Here are some objections you can present to Santa:
1. Confidentiality
Knows where you live and when you sleep. How does he follow? Through access to the video camera system?
And what about saving data? Where are they? Who has access to children’s letters?
2. Working conditions
Do elves work year-round at the North Pole? It’s a potential PR nightmare of working conditions.
Of course, they seem happy. But. Are they going to get a strike before the holiday?
What about the trade unions?
3. Tendency to materialism
Why do Santa order only material gifts? The contemporary world strives for sustainable development and minimalism.
4. Promotion of unbalanced nutrition
Amazingly, this older man eats cookies and drinks milk at every stop.
What kind of “diet” is Santa promoting in a health-conscious society?
5. The practice of sentencing
What are these “naughty and good” lists? By what criteria is this condemnation carried out?
Who watches the children, and who passes judgment?
And what about the mental health of the younger generation, who have been condemned for their childish actions?
6. Cultural representation
Santa is often portrayed in a very Western-centric way. And where is cultural inclusiveness? Where is the consideration of the cultural traditions of different communities?
Also, its focus on children from specific communities excludes others.
Despite these challenges, Christmas characters from various cultures are still symbols of generosity, kindness, and the magic of the holiday spirit.
That’s why we help spread goodness and rejoice in miracles!
Sergii Bidenko is an award-winning Crisis and Reputation Advisor to business owners, top managers and supervisory board members. Bestselling book author, cancel culture researcher.
He consults for owners and top managers of companies on issues of strategic reputation management, protection against information attacks, resolving corporate, customer and organizational conflicts.